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And for a Time we Lived

Rebecca Foust New Letters
California poet Rebecca Foust addresses an accustomed high standard of living that we know is precarious, evanescent.

Capitalism and the Caring Economy

Robert Kuttner The American Prospect
The entire caregiving sector needs to be separated from the commercial economy. Otherwise, we pay exorbitant costs for inadequate services and abuse workers and patients alike.

Chile: Left and Independent Forces Win Big

A new constitution that will likely shape Chile's future for decades will be written by victorious left and independent candidates, who decisively defeated the conservative coalition of President Sebastian Pinera.

When Earth Was a Planet of the Apes

More than ten million years ago, the world was brimming with a wide variety of apes. New studies of ape fossils provide clues how humans evolved.

Leaked Video: Dark Money Group Is Writing Voter Suppression Laws

In a private meeting last month with big-money donors, the head of a top conservative group boasted that her outfit had crafted the new voter suppression law in Georgia and was doing the same with similar bills for Republican state legislators across the country.