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Half Lenin, Half Gandhi

Frances Fitzgerald The New York Times
May 19 is the birthday of Ho Chi Minh, the revolutionary that led the Vietnamese people through victorious war and revolution from the 1920s to his death in 1969. This 20-year old review is of the best biography of Ho available in English.

The War on Critical Race Theory

David Theo Goldberg Boston Review
Turning a blind eye to the realities of racial injustice, the highly orchestrated right-wing attacks cast a body of scholarship about race in the law as a great threat to American society.

Conservatives Love Coal Miners — Until They Go on Strike

Jacob Morrison Jacobin
The Right has worked hard in recent years to portray itself as defenders of beleaguered coal miners. But over a thousand miners are currently on strike in Alabama and we haven’t heard a peep about it from conservative talking heads. Weird.