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A History of Unemployment and the Search for Solutions

Philip Harvey Jobs for All Newsletter
This book, writes reviewer Harvey, seeks "to provide an account of the nature and extent of the unemployment problem in the United States since the beginning of the industrial era following the end of the Civil War."

The Enormous Impact of Eroded Collective Bargaining on Wages

Lawrence Mishel Economic Policy Institute
For the “typical” or median worker, declining unionization over the last four decades translates to a loss of $1.56 per hour worked, the equivalent of $3,250 for a full-time, full-year worker.

Stand with Haiti! A Call for Solidarity

Over 60 organizations call for support of the resistance by the Haitian people to the US-backed dictatorship of Jovenel Moise, and suggest concrete ways for progressive-minded people to take action in solidarity with Haiti.

60 Years Later: The Enduring Legacy of the Bay of Pigs Fiasco

Stephen F. Knott History News Network
The most important consequence of the failure of Bay of Pigs was Kennedy’s decision to intensify covert efforts to topple the Castro regime. Operating under the codename “Operation Mongoose” the President placed his brother Robert Kennedy in charge