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Groups Across the South Are Working to Fix a Broken Farm Labor System

Jonah Goldman Kay Facing South
"Looking at these corporate supply chains, we've been able to achieve more by getting union agreements through supply chain actions than we've ever been able to achieve in legislative campaigns," says Justin Flores, FLOC's vice president.

The Continuing Korean War in the Murderous History of Bombing

Tim Beal Monthly Review
These themes resonate today: need to limit casualties among “our” troops, who are not necessarily white, though the people who control them usually are; the pretense that “precision bombing” differentiates between “lawbreakers” and “innocents."

Film Review: 9to5, The Story of a Movement

Jenny Brown Labor Notes
"9to5: The Story of a Movement" premieres tonight on PBS and then will be available for streaming. The documentary uncovers inspiring and useful history and shows organizing as rewarding, engaging, and joyous.

Digital Food: From Paddock to Platform.

Richard Zimmer FoodAnthropology
This examination of how the digital world portrays food directly, represents people engaged in all aspects of food, and affects the politics and economics of the food world, foreshadows some of the directions the larger world of food is taking.