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Experts Tell Biden Key Environmental Priorities for the South

Carly Berlin Southerly Magazine
A protester seeks to block the Byhalia Connection Oil Pipeline in southwest Memphis, TN.
Southern community leaders, environmental activists and lawyers, discuss the most urgent environmental issues the Biden Administration should tackle, including environmental justice, industrial pollution, government transparency, and disaster aid.

'Lord of the Flies,' Revisited

Jim Hightower Common Dreams
In striving to institute a culture of justice, it's self-defeating to assume humankind is innately selfish, as Golding did in "Lord of the Flies." Rather, we should rally the majority, appealing to their natural instincts for an egalitarian society.

Opening the Door to a More Democratic UAW

Nelson Lichtenstein Labor Notes
More important, the agreement calls for a vote of all 400,000 members to decide whether they want direct election of top leaders.

Your Last Opportunity: Let's Make Waves Together

Because of Portside, a lot of people who are determined to make their own history will have the tools to do it -- the emotional sustenance, the information, the analysis, the connections -- to meet the extraordinary situation we all confront.