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The Trump Administration’s Parting Outrage Against Cuba

Medea Benjamin, Leonardo Flores The Indypendent
The last-minute designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terror will make it harder for the incoming Biden administration to lift sanctions and renormalize relations with the island nation.

End SARS and Fanon’s mission

Kehinde Alonge Red Pepper
In October 2020, thousands of Nigerian youth from across the country chose to take a stand against the extra-judicial killings committed by the Nigerian police branch known as SARS (Special Anti-Robbery Squad).

Statehood for the District of Columbia Is More Urgent Than Ever

Hannah Giorgis The Atlantic
A District resident demands statehood.
It’s disenfranchisement on a monumental scale. For more than 200 years the District of Columbia, with more people than Wyoming or Vermont, has been denied the right to voting representation in the US Congress. D.C. has the right to statehood now.

Pompeo Escalates “Counterterrorism” Abuse on His Way Out

Paul Pillar Responsible Statecraft
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at President Trump’s announcement last October that Sudan will normalize relations with Israel.
Counterterrorism tools have been misused for decades, but no administration has abused them more than Trump’s. Last week outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list to attack Cuba, Iran, and Yemen’s Houthis.

The For-profit Barbarity of Mercenary Erik Prince

Dave Anderson Boulder Weekly
We went to Iraq thinking this shooting was some form of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire between Blackwater guards and insurgents. After only one week, we determined that this incident was a massacre similar to My Lai in Vietnam.

Trump as Citizen Kane

Joseph B Atkins Labor South
Trump as Citizen Kane, and the challenge to the Left to prove to workers that it, not right-wing populists, truly represents them and will fight neoliberalism

Amazon Warehouse Workers to Vote on Union

Annie Palmer CNBC
A National Labor Relations Board hearing officer ruled Friday that Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama can hold a union vote starting on Feb. 8.

Never Again

David Alpaugh Verse Daily
For California poet David Alpaugh, despite the promises of peace or justice, the violence of war lives on.