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Do Rank-and-File Workers Support Sanders or Warren?

Chris Brooks Organizing Upgrade
Just like in any union organizing drive, the Sanders campaign can win only if there is enough on-the-ground organizing to have one-on-one conversations that can move voters beyond their fear, uncertain, and doubt.

Climate Change: Still Time to Staunch the Blood-Dimmed Tide

Emily Atkin The New Republic
Iceberg in Blood Red Sea, Antarctica
This dystopian vision of a new era of climate-driven global conflict and ideological regression has shifted into the foreground of global politics. But, there is still time to drown out the fossil fuel industry’s chorus of denial and change course.

Morales Scathing Attack on Capitalism at UN General Assembly

Morning Star
"The underlying problem is in the model of production and consumerism, in the ownership of natural resources and in the unequal distribution of wealth." Today, 26 people in the world have the same wealth as 3.8 billion people.