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Labor Board and Union Reach a Deal for a 60 Day Moratorium on Walmart Pickets

Josh Eidelson The Nation
As The Nation has reported, in a charge filed one week before November’s Black Friday strike, Walmart had accused the United Food & Commercial Workers union of organizing illegal pickets for the purpose of winning union recognition (the protests were spearheaded by the UFCW-backed group OUR Walmart).

The Yes Men Are Revolting

The Yes Men Are Revolting is a funny, action-packed adventure. With the environment on the brink of collapse, we ask a pressing question: at a time when corporate forces have bought and sold democracy, how can we effect real change? Our answer: get every viewer involved in the struggle.

No Fracking Way

Kids dressed up like grownups who, unfortunately, are acting like misbehaving children. Written by Marc Black and performed along with a hundred folks from Woodstock, NY.

Dog Tails and Social Signaling: The Long and the Short of It

Emily Anthes PLOS One
Dogs may not have voices, but they have very active tails, and they rely heavily on these furry appendages to communicate. These tail movements provide important clues about how a dog is feeling–especially to other canines that may be sharing the same sidewalk or dog park.

Football, Body and Mind

Joel Anderson The American Prospect
A sportswriter looks back on his history with America's favorite pastime.