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The Republican Party Is Devouring Itself - Good

Carl Bloice Black Commentator
What’s not to be happy about the travails of an organization that for decades has had a “southern strategy” of taking advantage of racial intolerance? Of seeking political advantage by demagogically targeting women and men who have crossed the southern border seeking work? Of stirring homophobia in an effort to divide and conquer?

Oscars: Real History Behind the Film 'No'

Peter Kornbluh National Security Archive
Formerly top secret records that provide new details about the "Campaign of the NO" in Chile–the dynamic political movement that eventually led to Pinochet's loss of the presidency. Like "Zero Dark Thirty," "Argo" and "Lincoln," which also examine historical events, "NO" has been criticized for misrepresenting, and omitting, key elements of the history it depicts. Genaro Arriagada, who directed the actual Campaign of the NO in Chile, called the movie a "caricature."

The Citizen Science of Climate Change: We Are Not Bystanders

Caren Cooper Public Library of Science
One overlooked aspect of the response to Hurricane Sandy can give us reason for optimism. The backbone of the knowledge presented in scientists' Draft Climate Assessment Report arises from efforts of unsung (and unwitting) heroes: people who collect weather data. The coordinated, cross-generational, collective nature of the public data-collection efforts reveals an unexploited strength in our society.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 8, 2013

Video Moderator Portside
NYC restaurant workers sing and dance for $9 minimum wage. Supreme Court takes on the Voting Rights Act. Wealth inequality: it's worse than we think. Deer hunter to McConnell: "I'd be a pretty bad shot if I needed an assault rifle." We Are Wisconsin: The story of a citizen driven uprising that changed a state and the nation.

Tidbits - March 7, 2013

Published by Portside
No Backdoor to Iran War - sign the petition; Reader Comments on Labor's Turnaround; Keystone XL Pipeline; Happy Birthday, Dear Income Tax; Cutting the Military Budget and Palestinian Prisoners; Bradley Manning; labor cartoons; Portside's new email format. Announcements - Vieques Forum (New York); LaborArts Celebrates Women's History Month (online); Rachel Corrie - Ten Years After her Murder (actions around the world). Phillip Bonosky Presente!

Future of Unions: New Models of Worker Representation

Jackie Tortora AFL-CIO Now
The AFL-CIO, along with its affiliate unions, community partners and allies, are embarking on a deep evaluation of the future for working people and the labor movement and exploring innovations for the future of worker organizing. "The basic system of worker representation is failing to meet the needs of America’s working men and women by every critical measure," said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.