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Why Doctors Should Organize

Eric Topol The New Yorker
Meeting the challenges of modern medicine will require more than seeing patients.

Yup, Trump Did Scam Us

Gregory N. Heires
Apart from filling corporate coffers and the pocketbooks of the 1 percent, the $1.9 trillion cut has put the federal government in a financial straightjacket.

The Trump NLRB’s Anti-Labor Day

Bobbi Murray Capital & Main
NLRB headquarters
The National Labor Relations Board is not just changing workplace rules but reversing longstanding precedents.

Guess What Happens?

Hamilton Nolan Splinter
Oakland teachers
Guess what happens when the government and power structure forsake labor peace? Labor war.

Beyond the Waterfront!

Peter Olney The Stansbury Forum
Port of LA containers yard
As I was sitting down to read Peter Cole’s, a dispute broke out in the Port of Los Angeles over automation and future of work. I couldn’t avoid commenting on that dispute and much of my review examines the challenges facing the ILWU.


Wildcat Project
American Factory offers a unique journey into the transformation of an Ohio factory, and the lives of all those caught in it.