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Break Up Facebook (and Google, Apple, and Amazon)

Robert Reich Robert Reich blog
America responded to the Gilded Age’s abuses of corporate power with antitrust laws that allowed the government to break up the largest concentrations. It is time to use antitrust again. We should break up the high-tech behemoths.

First as Farce, Then as Tragedy

Manisha Sinha Jacobin Magazine
Donald Trump wants to destroy the 14th Amendment's guarantee of birthright citizenship. But before he sought to eliminate it outright, his elite predecessors mangled, misread, and misused the amendment in the service of capital.

The Missing Malcolm X

Garrett Felber Boston Review
Our understanding of Malcolm X is inextricably linked to his autobiography, but newly discovered materials force us to reexamine his legacy.

Sam Pizzigati: “A New Labor Activism Is Surging”

Mohsen Abdelmoumen American Herald Tribune
Outside of traditional labor structures, a new labor activism is surging, often supported by traditional unions. This new activism ranges from the “Fight for $15” movement to the statewide teacher strikes that broke out last spring.

Across Trump’s America, The Grassroots Are Growing Radical

DD Guttenplan The Guardian
Depending on which media you consume, Donald Trump will either leave office in handcuffs or coast to a second term. Making sense of American politics has never been easy, but the extreme polarisation of the press and public has made it more difficult

George Herbert Walker Bush and the Myth of the 'Good' Gulf War

Nora Eisenberg AlterNet
This draws on articles about the 1991 Gulf War the author wrote which drew on the writer's extensive research for her 2008 novel, "When You Come Home" (Curbstone)-- which chronicles the lives of young veterans returning home from Desert Storm.

The Harsh and Unjust Punishment of Marc Lamont Hill

David Palumbo-Liu The Nation
The attacks are a threat to academic freedom and the criticism of Israeli human-rights abuses. CNN should immediately reinstate its former commentator; it should not cave in to the idea that criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic or hate speech.