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Immigrant Youth in the Silicon Valley: Together We Rise

Kent Wong, Mario De Leon et al UCLA Labor Center
This report intends to understand the experience of undocumented youth in the Silicon Valley. While previous studies have found that immigrant communities face low wages and difficulties in accessing affordable housing, this study presents key statistics about educational and employment prospects for immigrant youth residing in this region.

Fighting Back Against the White Revolt of 2016

Bill Fletcher, Jr. and Bob Wing Verso Press
On the left and within progressive movements there were two immediate responses to Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential elections. First, shock, frequently accompanied by despair. How could an openly racist, misogynist authoritarian — personally unstable to boot — be elected president? Second, anger with the Democrats for the sort of campaign that they waged.

Towards a Working-Class Environmentalism

Erik Loomis New Republic
The environmental movement has somehow become synonymous with elite technocratic liberalism. That doesn’t have to be the case.

The Workers Versus Trump

Dave Kamper Jacobin
From local to local, the labor movement needs to transform into an effective machine for fighting the Right.

Can Supergirl Survive Trump?

Heather Davidson Polygon
What had been cautiously optimistic when the episode had premiered just a few weeks before was now upsettingly fantastical. In the wake of Donald Trump’s win, a pro-immigration woman of color being elected president seemed less realistic than the alien trying to kill her.

The System IS Rigged!—The Electoral College and the 2016 Election

Bob Wing, Bill Fletcher Jr. Common Dreams
The pro-Republican bias of the Electoral College derives from two main dynamics: it overweights the impact of mostly conservative voters in small population states and it negates entirely the mostly progressive votes of nearly half of African American voters, more than half of Native American voters and a major swath of Latino voters.