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Shalom Alechem

The Barcelona Gypsy Klezmer Orchestra creates a modern interpretation of 'Shalom Alechem' in music, dance and video. For more Alt-Xmas music, go here and here.

Jesus: The Missing Years

John Prine fills in the 18 years in the life of Jesus. France, Spain, life, pain ... a little love and shoplifting. For more Alt-Xmas music, go here and here.

Low Down Dirty Christmas

The Playing for Change Band presents a new holiday video, “Low Down Dirty Christmas,” recorded live outside Sao Paolo. Composed by Tom Canning, it reaches back to the roots of blues and soul. For more Alt-Xmas music, go here and here.

Woody Guthrie's Jesus Christ

Woody Guthrie's Jesus is a working man ('a carpenter by hand'), an itinerant, and a radical ('sell all of your jewelry and give it to the poor'). For more Alt-Xmas music, go here and here.


M. Wuerker - Politico