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Out of Control

Senator Bernie Sanders (Ind. - Vt) Bernie Buzz


M. Wuerker

Amazon Workers Battle Their Bosses in Seattle and Germany

John Wojcik People's World / Deutsche Welle
Following a day of massive walkouts at three logistics centers in Germany on Monday in which a record 1,800 people participated, Amazon workers continued their strikes in Leipzig and Bad Hersfeld. In Seattle, multiple unions turned out to protest Amazon in solidarity with their union brothers and sisters in Germany.

The Republican War on Women: The Newly Invisible and Undeserving Poor

Ruth Rosen Open Democracy
The U.S. Congress is fighting over how much to cut food assistance to needy families. Everyone knows that women and their children are the poorest people in America, but strangely, the faces of women have disappeared from the debate and have been absorbed into abstract “needy families.”