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Don’t Get Too Excited About the Volcker Rule

William Greider The Nation
A few years of experience with the Volcker Rule will probably be enough to demonstrate that it’s insufficient to change the behavior of JP Morgan and the banker gang.

The Great American Class War

Bill Moyers
Plutocracy Versus Democracy: We are surely nearer the beginning of the struggle for justice than the end

Rhymes with Smokey Joe

"Smokey Joe" Barton, known for apologizing to BP after the 2010 Oil spill, and harassing climate scientists, is a key connection between the tobacco industry and the climate denial industry.

The NSA Is Coming to Town

While we're calling, texting, emailing, and visiting our friends and loved ones, the NSA is tuning in and collecting massive amounts of data on millions of Americans. Take action to stop it now.

Searching for Sugarman

In this documentary, two South Africans set out to discover what happened to their musical hero, the mysterious 1970s rock 'n' roller, Rodriguez. You can now see the movie or get the music.

Friday Nite Videos -- Dec 13, 2013 (Movies)

The Egyptian Revolution Behind the Headlines. Hustlers' Convention: The Roots of Rap. Searching for Sugarman. The NSA Is Coming to Town. Rhymes With Smokey Joe.