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Economist Robert Reich blog

Top 10 Revolutionary Scientific Theories

Tom Siegfried Science News
Most scientific fields have been made over with a revolutionary theory at least once in recent centuries. Such makeovers, or paradigm shifts, reorder old knowledge into a new framework. Revolutionary theories succeed when the new framework makes it possible to solve problems that stymied the previous intellectual regime. Here are my favorite revolutions. I’m hoping for more before I die.

Fight for 15 Confidential

Arun Gupta In These Times
How did the biggest-ever mobilization of fast-food workers come about, and what is its endgame?

There's Somethin' Happenin' Here

Rock group Buffalo Springfield (including Stephen Stills and Neil Young) perform their most influential song, For What It's Worth.

The Evolution of Mars

NASA reconstructs five billiion years of the history of Mars in a breathtaking animation. There were once lakes and blue skies.