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All in for Inequality for All

By Kathy M. Newman Working-Class Perspectives: Commentary on Working-Class Culture, Education, and Politics
Inequality for All might convert a few, but, more importantly, it will give strength to all of us who are on the front lines of reversing income disparity in the U.S. and beyond.

Race, Class, Labor, and the (Not So) Incognito Controversy

By Clarence Lang Labor Online
The fact that the principals involved in this saga are all elite male athletes engaged in blood sport should not blind us to the fact that everyone, regardless of salient identities, is deserving of safe workspaces.

For de Blasio, Contract Talks Offer Problem

Steven Greenhouse The New York Times
New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and municipal unions have a major problem. After going 4 years without a contract under Mayor Bloomberg the question of a new contract and how much retroactive pay is included is front and center for the incoming Mayor and the municipal unions.

Chile: The Right Choice

Editorial The Guardian (UK)
Michelle Bachelet will approach a second term with an agenda which is more radical and progressive than that of her first.