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Detainee Abuse in Afghanistan

Unidentified American soldiers watching as Afghans — likely a mix of Afghan National Army personnel and interpreters — torture and interrogate a prisoner.

De Blasio's Opportunity: A Local Attack on Inequality

David Callahan Demos
The truth is that many good ideas for tackling New York's near-record inequality and promoting opportunity are sitting on the drawing board. All that's been missing is a mayor interested in such ideas.

Keeping Us in the Dark About Latin America

Carl Bloice Black Commentator
Many of us here in the U.S. had entertained the notion that whatever disappointments await us after the election of the U.S. President Barak Obama, at least the reactionary U.S. policy toward Cuba might change

Protesting Twitter

Vikas Bajaj New York Times
Although Twitter’s founders, investors and employees deserve to be rewarded for their ingenuity and hard work, the company’s public offering provides an opportunity to take stock of the growing disparities and misplaced priorities in the home of the nation’s celebrated technology industry.