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The Great Austerity Shell Game

Richard Wolff The Guardian (UK)
Here's how the capitalist scam works: let government borrow for crisis bailouts, then insist cuts pay for them. Guess who loses.

Tomorrow's Vote

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation The Nation

Imploding the Myth of Israel

Chris Hedges Truthdig
Max Blumenthal's "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" one of the most fearless and honest books ever written about Israel. Blumenthal burrows deep into the dark heart of Israel. The American journalist binds himself to the beleaguered and shunned activists, radical journalists and human rights campaigners who are the conscience of the nation, as well as Palestinian families in the West Bank struggling in vain to hold back Israel's ceaseless theft of their land.

The US Doesn’t Tax Financial Transactions. Here’s Why That Might Change Soon.

Carey L. Biron MintPress News
“As someone studying the economics of this, I can say that a financial transactions tax is a policy no-brainer,” Lynn Stout, a professor of corporate law at Cornell Law School, said at a Wednesday briefing on Capitol Hill. “It’s all upside, there’s virtually no downside, and it’s astonishing we don’t have one.”