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Tidbits - January 2, 2014

Reader Comments - Pope Francis, Catholic Church and The Sound of Music; Year in Review, 2014 and Bernie Sanders for President; Inside Llewyn Davis and Dave Van Ronk; Duck Dynasty; Universal Healthcare; Corporate Greed and Financial Speculators; Fast Food Workers; Hollywood and McCarthyism; Facebook is Dead? Niilo Koponen - R.I.P.; Seeking memories of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

In Defense of an Academic Boycott of Israel

Curtis Marez The Chronicle of Higher Education - The Conversation
The university presidents denouncing boycotts have largely been silent regarding Israel's abuses of Palestinian academics and Palestinian human rights in general. Those presidents may oppose our principled stance, they should at least have the decency to acknowledge those abuses. The recent passing of Nelson Mandela has reminded us of a time when people bravely stood up to apartheid by initiating boycotts and other proactive measures to isolate the South African regime.

The Obamacare We Deserve - How to Make it Better

Michael Moore; Jared Bernstein
Obamacare was conceived at the Heritage Foundation, and birthed in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney. Obama took Romneycare, a program designed to keep the private insurance industry intact, and improved some of its provisions. In deciding what course, the question for the new administration, which successfully ran a campaign with a large plank to make major changes to the health care delivery system, try to go around the existing insurance industry or through it?

10 Disruptors: People Who Really Shook Up the System in 2013

Don Hazen AlterNet
In a bleak year filled with bad news, people from Edward Snowden to Elizabeth Warren were brave enough to shake up the establishment. "Fighting the power," as people used to say, is no easy task. Victories are hard to come by and can quickly slide away because the power establishment of money, lobbying, lawyers, PR machines and out-and-out corruption are like Neil Young's rust: they never sleep.

Howard Dean on Obamacare Individual Mandate

Dylan Scott Talking Points Memo
The individual mandate was not necessary - the insurance companies like it because it does bring young, healthy people who aren't likely to get sick into the system.

2013 a Reminder of the Need for Citizen Action to Effect Change

Tony Karon Aljazeera America
Activism brought changes in gay rights, marijuana laws, but guns, immigration, inequality and more stay unchanged. America’s ability to repair and renew itself rests, as ever, on the democratic spirit that burns within its citizenry.