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Absolute Proof the Civil War Was About Slavery

Curtis F Addicting Info
There are various things that conservatives and liberals disagree over, and for some insane reason, whether or not the Civil War was about slavery is one of them. Sure, the war ended with the abolition of slavery, but many individuals still claim that the entire war was over states’ rights as opposed to the tradition of owning another human being.

The Man Who Won a Nobel Prize for Helping Create a Global Financial Crisis

James R. Crotty Dollars and Sense
The objective of the ideological project of the economics profession in the current era is to provide a theoretical foundation for unregulated financial markets and unregulated capitalism. The fact that the project has succeeded in the face of logic and history is admittedly a fantastic conjurers’ trick, but it is ridiculous to award Nobel Prizes to the conjurers.

Ireland: Ground Zero for the Austerity-driven Asset Grab

Ellen Brown OpEdNews
Today, Ireland is under a different sort of tyranny, one imposed by the banks and the troika--the EU, ECB and IMF. The oppressors have demanded austerity and more austerity, forcing the public to pick up the tab for bills incurred by profligate private bankers.

Mondragón and the System Problem

Gar Alperovitz and Thomas M Hanna Truthout
Mondragón has been justly cited as a leading example of what can be done through cooperative organization. But it recently announced that its most important unit, Fagor, was filing for bankruptcy. This raises important larger questions about the market, and longer-term strategies for moving beyond the failings of corporate capitalism and traditional socialism.

Why Do the Koch Brothers Hate Wolves?

Julie Cart, James William Gibson LA Times, Earth Island Journal
The Save the Lobo rally, paid for by Defenders of Wildlife, featured a man in a wolf costume, children scrawling placards with crayons and people offering videoed testimony to be forwarded to Washington. Down the hall, an anti-wolf event was sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, an organization funded by the conservative Koch brothers. The group screened the documentary "Wolves in Government Clothing." Said one Arizona rancher: "Is this politically driven? Absolutely."

Angela Davis Comes to Federal Way Washington

Greg Allmain, Steve Edmiston, Donna Metz Federal Way Mirror
Angela Davis leads off an "Intercultural Speaker Series" sparking debate . . . and perhaps some self examination, at a Federal Way, Washington school district.

When Numbers Are Used for a Witch Hunt

Evelyn Lamb Scientific American
This statistics stuff is important. The correct analysis and interpretation of statistics are sometimes a matter of life and death.