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The Legislative Attack on American Wages and Labor Standards, 2011-2012

Gordon Lafer Economic Policy Institute
When Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker proposed sharply curtailing union rights in 2011, he presented his legislation as a response to the particular fiscal conditions facing Wisconsin. Indeed, in each state where anti-union legislation was advanced, voters typically perceived it as the product of homegrown politicians and a response to the unique conditions of their state. In fact, however, broadly similar legislation was proposed simultaneously in multiple states.

Killing of Teenager Andy Lopez Ignites Latino Community

Shepherd Bliss Portside
Prayer vigils, a funeral, daily marches and rallies for the slain teenager Andy Lopez have overtaken the city of Santa Rosa and show no sign of abating. At least two of the marches were attended by over 1,000 people, and the steady patrols and surveillance by helicopters have added to the tension in the city. More events are scheduled as the community's cry for justice mounts.

Seven Early Voting Ideas to Improve Outdated Election Process

Diana Kasdan Brennan Center for Justice
A new report says that early in-person voting reduces stress on the election system and provides greater access to voting. Based on extensive research, the report recommends that all states and local jurisdictions implement these seven early voting policies to expand the benefits of early voting nationwide.

Standing Up for Golden Rice

Scientists speak out against the destruction of experimental fields of Golden Rice, a new type of rice that contains beta carotene, a source of vitamin A with the potential to reduce vitamin A deficiency and resulting blindness in the Philippines and Bangladesh

Germany May Invite Edward Snowden As Witness in NSA Inquiry

The Guardian
German Green politician meets US whistleblower Edward Snowden in Moscow to discuss possibility of helping parliamentary investigation into US spying. Snowden letter: I witnessed systemic violations of law by my government that created a moral duty to act. ... However, speaking the truth is not a crime. I am confident that with the support of the international community, the government of the United States will abandon this harmful behavior.

Guy Davis -- Goin' Down Slow

The roots of bluesman Guy Davis' music are the rhythms and themes of the South. One person's favorite: his album Call Down the Thunder.

Tough Questions About Black Lung and Money

Coal companies have paid millions of dollars to Johns Hopkins medical institutions over the last decade for medical opinions that have been used to deny hundreds of ailing mine workers meager black lung benefits