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Working Families See Big Wins in Tuesday's Elections

Jackie Tortora AFL-CIO Now Blog
Working families did very well in Tuesday's elections. Major victories in New York, Virginia, Boston, Ohio, New Jersey and possibly Washington State have put the Tea Party on the defensive.

The Afterlives of the Algerian Revolution (Jadaliyya Roundtable)

Muriam Haleh Davis, James McDougall Jadaliyya
An overview of the Algerian Revolution, on it's fiftieth anniversary -the Algerian Revolution as something that was itself productive - of repertoires of contestation, of ideas about a "social contract," of something that could later be "confiscated" - rather than as a historical bookmark.

Union Members Provoke Arrests - This Time Inside the Cosmopolitan

Ed Komenda VegasInc
Las Vegas workers, stage sit-in on casino floor of the Cosmopolitan, demanding the Vegas resort recognize their union. For two years the $4 billion casino has refused to negotiate with their workers, and their union - Culinary Workers Union or UNITE HERE local 226.

The Rise of Chicago's 99% Against Rahm Emanuel, "Mayor 1%"

Mark Karlin, Truthout Interview Truthout
Will Rahm Emanuel's effort to establish a privatized neoliberal outpost in Chicago succeed? Not if the ongoing uprising brushfires turn from kindling wood into a contemporary Chicago fire of political resistance. Kari Lydersen, author of "Mayor 1%," tells Truthout Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is representative of the neoliberal wing of the Democratic party, and he's getting significant pushback in his efforts to expand privatization and limit protests.

Flipping the House in 2014

Carl Davidson In These Times
We need to get much more organized on the democratic side of the divide in the Democratic Party. We may not be in a position for million-dollar media buys, but we can field tens of thousands of new organizers. Next year's congressional elections call for a more unified, progressive and revitalized Democratic Party.

Off-Year Elections Show Reaction Can Be Beat

Peter Dreier; Joan Walsh
Elections show the tide can turn against the unholy alliance of big business, the Tea Party, and the religious right. Growing protests - the "Moral Monday" movement in North Carolina, militant immigrant rights activism, battles to protect women's health clinics from state budget cuts, strikes by low-wage workers, civil disobedience actions to challenge voter suppression, & campaigns against global energy corporations. Virginia - win in a race lost by 17 points in 2009.

Help or Hurt

Senator Sherrod Brown (D. Ohio) Washington Post


Mike Luckovich Atlanta Journal Constitution