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Affordable Horror Story

The Daily Show

President Obama qualifies his formerly definitive statements regarding the Affordable Care Act, and his opponents lie like motherf**kers about its effects

Friday Nite Videos -- November 8, 2013

Jon Stewart -- Affordable Horror Story. Liquid Art. Canned Heat -- Woodstock Boogie. Burn: Detroit Firefighter Documentary. Professor Louie -- What Does it Mean to be Working Class?

LA Walmart Workers Go On Strike

OUR Walmart (Organization United for Respect at Walmart) Common Dreams
Workers put jobs on the line in protest of Walmart's aggressive efforts to silence them. Community leaders vow peaceful civil disobedience in protest of Walmart's retaliation and poverty-jobs.

Los Angeles Walmart Workers on Strike, Stage Sit-in, Dozens Arrested

Jway; Mike Hall; OUR Walmart SoCal
In a preview of what will be a nationwide day of action on Black Friday, Walmart workers at several Southern California stores walked off the job this morning to protest Walmart's low wages. Just minutes ago, sixty Walmart workers were arrested for engaging in a peaceful sit-in in downtown Los Angeles.

The Struggle to Save Worker Education at Brooklyn College

Andy Piascik Portside
Brooklyn College's plan to dramatically scale back the Graduate Center for Worker Education is one of the latest efforts to curtail examination of working class issues done in a way designed to provide students with activist skills.

Socialists Made Strong Showing on Election Day

Ned Resnikoff MSNBC
Tuesday's election showed gains for progressives and labor-backed candidates, and also for socialists. In Seattle, Kshama Sawant received 46.1% of the total vote for City Council. However, the count of the most recently counted votes gives her 49.69%. Even if her opponent holds on, he has announced that he will not run again - against her or anyone else.

Tidbits - November 7, 2013

Reader Comments - Science, Climate Change; Angela Davis; Israel; Elections and Labor; Music and Race Relations - Ahmet and Nesuhi Ertegun; Weathermen; Doctors & Interns as Workers; Mondragón; Golden Rice; Civil War was About Slavery; Announcements - Stop the Attacks on the School Bus Drivers' Union-Boston-Nov 9; Art to End All Wars - Live! Auction-New York-Nov 16; Unions & Child Care: Expanding Access, Raising Standards-New York-Dec 18; Travel-Study Delegations to Cuba