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This 80-Year-Old Grandma Walked Hundreds of Miles to Retrace the Underground Railroad

Katrina Rabeler Yes!
The Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers—a force “for the good of all beings”—is a group of matriarchs who are spiritual leaders from native communities around the world. Coming from what they call “the four directions”—North and South America, Africa, and Asia—they work to educate others about indigenous ways of life, sacred stories, and values.

The AFL-CIO: Choices of Perspective

Kurt Stand portside
Continuing the discussion on the role of the AFL-CIO, on the AFL-CIO's recent convention. A response to the ongoing discussion that is needed, started by Steve Early, Bill Fletcher, Jeff Crosby and Peter Olney and published in October by Portside.

A Solution to the Problems of the Faculty Majority

Jack Longmate Labor Notes
Most higher education instructors these days are not comfortably tenured professors—they’re contingent workers, struggling to make it on a patchwork of short-term contracts at discounted wages. That’s one reason for Campus Equity Week (October 28-November 2), established in 2001 to draw attention to the lack of equity for non-tenure-track faculty in the higher education workplace.

The AFL-CIO: Choices of Perspective

Kurt Stand Portside
Continuing the discussion on the role of the AFL-CIO, on the AFL-CIO's recent convention. A response to the ongoing discussion that is needed, started by Steve Early, Bill Fletcher, Jeff Crosby and Peter Olney and published in October by Portside.