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Watch Out: the ACA is Coming! Briefing Paper Now Available

Labor Campaign for Single Payer Labor Campaign for Single Payer
Some unions have called for the repeal of Obamacare and a return to the status quo before its passage. We in the Labor Campaign believe that such a call would be a disaster for the labor movement. Rather, we believe that this is a moment to move forward to healthcare justice by ac- knowledging the weaknesses in the ACA while defending its gains and moving to establish a single-payer Medicare for All system that would make healthcare a right for everyone in America.

Babies Remember Melodies From the Womb

Alok Jha The Guardian
Brains of babies who heard melody before birth react more strongly to tune after birth and at four months, scientists say

Where You're Safe From Gun Violence

Andy Borowitz The New Yorker
Study: Americans safe from gun violence except in schools, malls, airports, movie theatres, workplaces, streets, own home

Burn: Detroit Firefighter Documentary

BURN is a feature documentary about Detroit, told through the eyes of Detroit firefighters, who are charged with the thankless task of saving a city that many have written off as dead. For viewing options, go here.

Liquid Art

A single drop of water at 2,000 frames per second, by Markus Reugels and Ludwig Lehner . Gorgeous!