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Friday Nite Videos -- November 1, 2013

Following the Ninth (Beethoven!). Tough Questions About Black Lung and Money. LeBron Asks: What Muscles Do We Use When Shooting a Basket? George Carlin on Religion and God. Least Gay Marriage Friendly State: Alabama or Mississippi? Guy Davis -- Goin' Down Slow.

The Image and Influence of California's Organized Labor

Scott Detrow California Report (Public Radio Consortium, KQED)
While unions are "taking it on the chin" in many areas of the country - e.g. states like Wisconsin and Indiana eliminating collective bargaining rights - organized labor is alive and well in California politics.

Turkey and the New Middle East Regional Political Realignment

Ibrahim Kazerooni and Rob Prince Kazerooni's Blog
Turkey’s Regional Politics – Old Wine, New Bottle – actually the bottle isn’t that new...After the Egyptian military coup, a number of reports surfaced on Turkey's indignation on the turn over the events there. Yeni Shafak the newspaper close to the Turkish prime minister published a scathing article against the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, UAE as well as Palestinian Mahmud Abbas calling them the "the axis of evil" in the Middle East.

Book Review: You Don't Need a Weatherman

Jon Wiener Los Angeles Review of Books
Jon Wiener reviews Bill Ayers' latest book, about the Weather Underground, the U.S. student and anti-war movement, and what happened to SDS - the largest student organization in the history of our country - and a major part of the U.S. Left...And, he is very critical.

How Science Is Telling Us All to Revolt

Naomi Klein NewStatesman (UK)
Is our relentless quest for economic growth killing the planet? Climate scientists have seen the data - and they are coming to some incendiary conclusions.

North Carolina, Come On and Rise Up

Amy B Dean, Truthout Report Truthout
This is a movement, not a moment...Moral Mondays have really caught fire. It took several months last spring and early summer for the Moral Monday protests to reach a crescendo. While early statehouse rallies in North Carolina started by attracting about 50 protesters, by July thousands of people from around the state were swarming the state capitol. After three consecutive months of action, there had been around 920 arrests for civil disobedience at the weekly rallies.

Tidbits - October 31, 2013 - Halloween edition

Reader Comments- Sports, Police Killing, Tea Party, Robin Hood Tax, Doug Ireland; Announcements- Tim DeChristopher, Environmental Activism-NYC-Nov.02; Perspectives from NYC Food Service Workers-Nov.03; Mario Savio Memorial Lecture-Berkeley-Nov.12; Cuba Skate: Art on Deck-Washington, DC-Nov.16; Politics of Immigration Reform Forum-NYC-Nov.20; Memorial for Stephen Coats-Washington, DC-Nov.25; International Conference In Israel: For A Nuclear Free Zone In The Middle East