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Voting Rights at a Crossroads

Barbara Arnwine and Marcia Johnson-Blanco Economic Policy Institute
The Supreme Court Decision in Shelby Is the Latest Challenge in the ‘Unfinished March’ to Full Black Access to the Ballot

Strikes Surge as Killings of Colombian Union Leaders Fall

Andrew Willis Bloomberg
Strikes, demonstrations and protests are at a record pace in Colombia this year as workers seek a bigger share of wealth generated by the country’s expanding economy. After 50 years of guerrilla warfare, the government’s success in weakening illegal armed groups has drawn investment and rewarded businessmen, while the gap between rich and poor remains considerable, according to the World Bank’s Gini index of income distribution.

Letter From Sofia: Old Tanks and Modern Mayhem

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Poor Bulgaria. Once again the Germans are headed her way—this time armed with nothing more than a change of currency and the policies of austerity that go along with it.