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Tidbits - October 24, 2013

Reader Comments- Shutdown; Tea Party; Keystone XL; Pensions; AFL-CIO Convention; Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap; Class War; Education & Testing; Edward Snowden; GE; Israel; Announcements - Healthcare Crisis in Indiana -Lafayette- Oct 26; Protest Idan Raichel - Israeli Artist and Israeli Army Supporter -New York- Oct 27; Pack the Court: New York Stop and Frisk Case- Oct 29; Labor Education Open House -NYC- Oct 30; ALBA Human Rights Documentary Film Festival- New York- Nov 22 - 24

Game of Drones

Bas van der Schot - Dutch daily De Volkskrant. Cagle

A Strange and Far-flung War

By Daniel Luban Dissent: A Quarterly of Politics and Culture
A wider view of the War on Terror may be necessary, but it is by no means more comforting.

100 Children’s Book Authors Ask White House to Ease Standardized Testing Mandates

By Karyn M. Peterson School Library Journal
More than 100 children’s book authors and illustrators have sent a letter to the White House to ask President Obama to ease the country’s mandates for "excessive" standardized testing in our nation’s schools. Such an emphasis has a negative impact on kids’ love of reading and literature, they say. The letter is being promoted by advocacy group FairTest (The National Center for Fair & Open Testing).

Germany Says U.S. May Have Monitored Merkel's Phone

By Noah Barkin Reuters
Revelations before the trip of a covert U.S. Internet surveillance program, code-named Prism, caused outrage in a country where memories of the eavesdropping East German Stasi secret police are still fresh.