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NC educators plan job action for Nov. 4

William Rogers Left Labor Reporter
Fed up with state cuts to public school budgets, a group of North Carolina educators are planning a job action on November 4 to protest the cuts.

This Land Is Our Land?

Bob St Peter and Raj Patel
At its best, sensible policies about how land is used, transferred, and owned can make it possible for young people to farm with dignity, a living wage, and a future. It can help poor people stop being poor. It can let young farmers who want to farm break through the barriers to entry. It can provide a secure retirement for America’s older farmers. It can happen and should happen in countries as democratic and as rich as the United States.

My Visit With Edward Snowden

Jesselyn Radack The Nation
Although living in exile from the country he loves, Snowden is warm, centered and engaged and follows debates about surveillance with a keen legal acumen.

New Drugs for Old Bugs

We should all be worried by the growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and we urgently need to develop new drugs. In this discussion with Nobel laureates, researchers propose alternative ways to find drugs; some cutting edge, such as computation, and some ancient, such as searching for chemicals deep in the rain forest.

A Bold Plan to Fix the Mortgage Mess

GRITtv with Laura Flanders explores how eminent domain power could help cities combat the power of the finance sector and give mortgage relief to underwater homeowners.

Out of the Furnace: Movie

From Scott Cooper, writer and director of Crazy Heart, a gripping and gritty drama with an all-star cast. A soldier returning from Iraq gets lured into one of the most ruthless crime rings in the Northeast and mysteriously disappears.