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Budget Deal Keeps Cuts, A Disaster for Majority

Robert Borosage, Isaiah J. Poole, Dave Johnson Campaign for America's Future
The "Budget Deal." abandons the unemployed, while increasing the military budget, and ignores massive job creation. Reducing projected sequester cuts will save jobs, but half the mindless across-the-board sequester cuts continue in fiscal year 2014 and three-fourths in 2015. The deal provides relief from some destructive sequester cuts. But it sustains Washington's focus on deficit reduction and its commitment to austerity. Thanks to the Campaign for America's Future.

Big Deal

Stuart Carlson

Federal Employee Unions Gain Members Post-Shutdown

Eric Katz Government Executive
Federal employee unions saw an uptick in membership after the government shutdown, and the number of members has been growing consistently over the last several years.


Richard (RJ) Eskow Campaign for America's Future