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A Job Engine Sputters As Hospitals Cut Staff

Paul Davidson and Barbara Hansen USA Today
Are hospitals cutting jobs because of sequestions cuts to medicare reimbursement rates? The American Hospital Association cites this as well as the recession as reasons for job cuts.

A Refresher Course

Karen Higgins,RN, co-president of National Nurses United Common Dreams


David Fitzsimmons - Arizona Daily Star Cagle

How Many Jobless People Last Month? Who Knows

Carl Bloice Black Commentator
All of this could be avoided with legislative action but there seems be little likelihood that the current Tea Party strangled Congress will do anything that might relieved the economic pressure on the nation’s working people.

Single-Payer Prescription for What Ails Obamacare

Amy Goodman TruthDig
The for-profit health-insurance industry in the United States is profoundly inefficient and costly, and a sane and sustainable alternative exists—single-payer, otherwise known as expanded and improved Medicare for all. Just change the age of eligibility from 65 to zero.