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The Obama Doctrine

Noam Chomsky Nation of Change Op-Ed
“American exceptionalism” and “isolationism” are generally understood to be tactical variants of a secular religion, with a grip that is quite extraordinary, going beyond normal religious orthodoxy in that it can barely even be perceived. Since no alternative is thinkable, this faith is adopted reflexively.

Progressive Democrats Fear Showdown Will End in Social Security Cuts

Cole Stangler In These Times - Web Only Feature
Alex Lawson: “In this case,” he says, “it would be trying to substitute out the Obamacare cuts or delays, and substitute in some of these grand bargain approaches. These are ones that are non-controversial, that are seemingly agreed-upon. We think it’s really important to get out in front of any attempts to do that and show that no, these are highly controversial and there will not be support.”

The Shutdown Prophet

Jonathan Chait New York
The debt ceiling turns out to be unexploded ordnance lying around the American form of government. Only custom or moral compunction stops the opposition party from using it to nullify the president’s powers, or, for that matter, the president from using it to nullify Congress’s. To weaponize the debt ceiling, you must be willing to inflict harm on millions of innocent people.

At the UN, a Latin American Rebellion

Laura Carlsen Foreign Policy in Focus
Latin American leaders are reclaiming a right to differentiate their views from Washington's—and refusing to render it diplomatic tribute.

Where the G.O.P.'s Suicide Caucus Lives

Ryan Lizza The New Yorker
The members of the suicide caucus live in a different America from the one that most political commentators describe when talking about how the country is transforming. The average suicide-caucus district is seventy-five per cent white, while the average House district is sixty-three per cent white. Latinos make up an average of nine per cent of suicide-district residents, while the over-all average is seventeen per cent. 76 of the members are male. 79 are white.

A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning

Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Mike McIntire New York Times
To many Americans, the shutdown came out of nowhere. But interviews with a wide array of conservatives show that the confrontation that precipitated the crisis was the outgrowth of a long-running effort to undo the law, the Affordable Care Act, since its passage in 2010 — waged by a galaxy of conservative groups with more money, organized tactics and interconnections than is commonly known.

The Income Tax Turns 100 — Who Pays What?

Joshua Holland Moyers and Company
How is it that American corporations are paying a smaller share of federal income taxes when the rates paid by individuals dropped much further? It’s simple: ordinary American families don’t have teams of lobbyists to win them loopholes or armies of tax accountants and attorneys to exploit them.

Immigration Bill’s New Bracero Program Will Hurt Farmworkers

David Bacon Labor Notes
One of the most important parts of the Senate's bill, and of all the "comprehensive immigration reform" proposals, is a big increase in guestworker programs. Employers demand them as a price for supporting legalization of the undocumented. But our history tells us that this is a very high price. Especially for farmworkers, guestworker programs have been a terrible idea.