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The Pentagon is Bloated While Americans Have Empty Stomachs

Kevin Martin Peace Action
As the December 13 budget deadline approaches, let us act together to demand a federal budget that reflects our values. We need a budget that lifts the quality of life for all of us. We don't need a war machine.

ALEC’s Extreme Legislative Agenda for 2014

By Rebekah Wilce PR Watch:
On ALEC's agenda for 2014 are the following priorities and bills (which will become official ALEC "models" once passed by the task forces -- with corporate lobbyists voting as equals alongside state legislators -- and approved by the board of directors):

Fast Food Strikes Hit 100 Cities Thursday

By Allison Kilkenny The Nation
“I’m tired of working for $7.25, I can’t take care of my household, I can’t even take care of myself," says Mary Coleman,Mary Coleman, who works at a Popeye’s in Milwaukee for $7.25 an hour. Coleman, 59, lives with her daughter, who has a heart condition, and her two grandchildren. She also relies on food stamps to make ends meet and says she would gladly trade in her Qwest card for higher wages. Thursday marks Mary’s fourth strike.

Understanding Egypt: Military Rule Deja Vu

By Carl Finamore BeyondChron
So, clearly, in the aftermath of the July coup, it is the military once again firmly in power for the second time in as many years. For Egyptians, this is déjà vu all over again. Only the second reincarnation of military rule is far different and far worse this time around, with repression extending far beyond the now-banned and much-besieged Muslim Brotherhood and their allies.

Media Bits & Bytes - Bay Area Blues edition

Hail & Farewell Andre Schiffrin; Silicon Valley Warping San Francisco; Oakland Building Big Brother; Ebooks Challenge Academic Presses; NSA Drops 50,000 `Sleeper Cells' in Computer Networks Worldwide; New Site to Seek Funding from the Masses for Investigating Reporting

Pandora and the Drones

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Drones are a growth industry with, aside from the U.S., states such as Israel, Britain, Sweden, Iran, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and even Lebanon in possession of the more lethal varieties.

In Largest-ever U.S. City Bankruptcy, Cuts Coming for Detroit Creditors, Retirees

Harold Schaitberger, general president of the International Association of Fire Fighters based in Washington, said, "Going forward, this is as much about politics and the priorities of public officials as it is about bankruptcy and the court." Schaitberger said that elected officials in the United States are expected to continue to "push for austerity no matter the cost to the lives of workers and public safety."