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Nick Anderson

One-Day Strikes: A Word to the Wise

Robert M. Schwartz Labor Notes
More and more unions are turning to one-day or other short-term strikes to add punch to contract campaigns. Walmart, fast food, and other non-union workers have also used the tactic to demand changes in wages, working conditions, and safety, and to protest discharges.

How Many Die From Medical Mistakes in U.S. Hospitals?

Marshall Allen ProPublica
An updated estimate says it could be at least 210,000 patients a year – more than twice the number in the Institute of Medicine’s frequently quoted report, “To Err is Human.”

Millions Flee Obamacare

Andy Borowitz The New Yorker
Millions of Tea Party loyalists flee the United States, seeking “the American dream of liberty from health care.”

Victor Jara's Last Song

Translated by Joan Jara. Read by Adrian Mitchell. From the album Manifiesto [Canciones Póstumas]

The Joys of Teaching

If you've ever TA'd or taught a class, this video is for you. The PHD Movie was filmed on location at the California Institute of Technology, and features real grad students, undergrads and professors

100K Poets for Change

This world wide event took place in 100 countries and featured musicians, poets, painters, writers and dancers organized to promote the ideals of peace sustainability.