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Scientists Say ‘No Consensus on GMO Food Safety’

Kaye Spector Nation of Change
An international group of more than 90 scientists, academics and physicians released a statement today saying there is no scientific consensus on the safety of genetically modified (GM) foods and crops.

Transit Labor Clash Resolved After Deadly Accident

Justin Pritchard and Lisa Leff Aurora Advocate (Associated Press)
The breakthrough came after the worker deaths in Walnut Creek on Saturday. By Sunday, union leaders said they were ready to make concessions. By Monday, both sides agreed to sit down and a deal was struck in time to get limited train service running for the Tuesday morning commute.

Media Bits & Bytes - New Stuff edition

Toddlers and Tablets; Rebooting Internet Governance; 60 Minutes Disabuses the Disabled; Glenn Greenwald breaking bad; New Ventures in Journalism; Infographic - New TV Media Giants

No Cover

Damon Silvers AFL-CIO Now

Koch Brothers could make $100 Billion from Keystone XL pipeline

Kevin Grandia The CommonSenseCanadian
A new study released today concludes that Koch Industries and its subsidiaries stand to make as much as $100 billion in profits if the controversial Keystone XL pipeline is given the go-ahead by U.S. President Obama. The report is called the "Billionaires’ Carbon Bomb: The Koch Brothers and the Keystone XL Pipeline."