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Why John Kerry Should Be Treated As A Thief

Robert Fisk Guardian (Uk)
Many Israelis see the vileness of this land theft and condemn it. They deserve the peace and security which the world wishes them. But they won’t get it with colonisation, and they know it.

Country Joe McDonald: Vietnam Song

Country Joe performing at Woodstock in 1969. This song was originally released as the title track of the 1967 album of Country Joe & the Fish, I Feel Like I'm Fixin' to Die. It was written by Country Joe.

The Act of Killing -- Movie Trailer

Documentary film director Joshua Oppenheimer challenges some of the death squad leaders of the Indonesian massacres of 1965 to reenact the real life mass killings in the style of the American movies they love. In theaters now.

Obama: I Was Going to Do That

The president insists he would have implemented NSA oversight even without Edward Snowden’s leaks. (Ann Telnaes / The Washington Post)