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Gary Trudeau gocomics

Teacher Fight Backs and Contractors Threaten ULPs Against NYC School Bus Drivers

Teachers unions and other educational service workers across the country - in New York, Seattle, and Hawaii - are fighting against further cuts in school budgets, for better quality education for their students. In New York, school bus drivers prepare to strike for job security for trained professional drivers; in Seattle, teachers vote to refuse to give standardized tests; in Hawaii teachers campaign for a penny tax increase dedicated to education.

Why Has Obama Pardoned So Few Prisoners?

Sasha Abramsky The Nation
Cases like that of Weldon Angelos, who was given a fifty-five-year sentence for selling marijuana, cry out for mercy. But calls for clemency have fallen on deaf ears...So why hasn't Obama done the right thing? Could it be that Angelos has just gotten lost in the shuffle? Possibly-but if that's the reason, there would be evidence that Obama has used his pardon and commutation powers wisely in other cases. Unfortunately, that's not true.