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The Memo Writer

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Jennifer Abruzzo, general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, has outlined an agenda that would transform the American workplace.

Dealing With Sinema

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
The Arizona weirdo has compelled the Democrats to abandon taxing the rich—so they’re proposing to tax rich folks’ unearned gains.

Manchin: One Mean Megalomaniac

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Manchin's modest proposal would means-test all new programs and put spending caps on all existing programs. In short, Manchin wants to diminish not just the quantity of necessary social investments, but their quality as well.

The Fight for $15 Is Looking Good

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
The CBO finds that the raise would boost the incomes of 17 million Americans, and most probably 27 million Americans—that is, close to a fifth of the entire American workforce.

Garbage Out; Government In

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Joe Biden’s call for unity is a stretch, but that doesn’t mean progress is off the table.

The Filibuster Question: States’ Rights or Human Rights?

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Most Democrats, now looking forward to a Biden presidency and a narrow majority in the next Senate, realize that Republicans can block virtually all Democratic legislation by using the filibuster, and they therefore favor its abolition.

The Socialist Moment, and How to Extend It

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
An analyst of socialism's return writes as an advocate for its necessity, with particularly shrewd assessments of how the new American socialism can advance, and, alternatively, how it may marginalize itself into irrelevance.