Drones criss-crossing the skies and hunting for high-value targets create a distraction from actual crises afflicting people in Afghanistan. U.S. drone surveillance potentially sets the stage for criminal assassination.
If working people fail to see real material distinctions between life under Trump and life under Biden, they’ll look for an alternative to the party in power.
Reader Comments: Biden Amazon Union Support; Trump's Return Strategy; GOP Effort to Kill Voting Rights; Life on Mars?; Amazon Virtual Picket Line; International Women's Day; lots of announcements - lots of Zoom opportunities;
I have lived it and I have suffered through it and I know that when people say “get in line,” there is no line. I am here to try to change the system so that people have a pathway and if they choose to become a citizen, they can.
Joe Biden has promised to ensure climate justice, but will his administration rise to the challenge? With the Biden Administration pledging to take the climate crisis seriously, some grounds for optimism exist.
Nancy Krieger, Christian Testa, Pamela D. Waterman and Jarvis T. Chen
New York Daily News
Healing the dual miseries of COVID-19 and economic insecurity requires relief sufficient to ensure that all individuals, their families and their loved ones can live through this pandemic. The time to go big is now.
The Green New Deal is all about a jobs and justice approach to climate policies, so I think that the new climate corps proposal really encapsulates that. One of the most popular programs from the New Deal is making a comeback, nearly 90 years later.
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