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The Status of Black Women in the United States

Institute for Women's Policy Research National Domestic Workers Alliance
Black women consistently work for a better country, but our country is not working for them. By placing Black women’s experiences and interests in the forefront of policy changes and social movements, we can address these barriers. A new report on the Status of Black Women written and co-produced by Institute for Women's Policy Research and National Domestic Workers Alliance that paints a picture of the lived experiences of millions of Black women across the US.

Tidbits - March 30, 2017 - Reader Comments: Single Payer; Gorsuch Disaster; Israel-Segregationist, Apartheid; Religious Left, Socialists, Feminists; Censorship and Art; Teachers’ Union Guide for Immigrant Children; Announcements; and more...

Reader Comments: Trump Failure Answer is Single Payer; Gorsuch-"Originalist" Disaster; Israel Segregationist and Apartheid; Left Growth Today - Religious Left, Socialists, Feminists; Censorship and Art - Emmett Till painting; PBS; Maine Fishermen; Job Growth and Worker Injury; Resources: Teachers’ Union Guide for Immigrant and Refugee Children; Announcements: Black Women in the Media; Chicago-April 4; 81st Annual Celebration of the Lincoln Brigade; and more...

Tidbits - January 12, 2017 - Reader Comments: Protests Should Also be Used for Organizing;Trump Nominees; Leonard Peltier; Hidden Figures; Black Women and Civil Rights; Resources; Announcements; and more...

Reader Comments: Protests Should Also be Used for Organizing; Another Extreme Trump Nominee to Run National Intelligence; Top Prosecutor in Leonard Peltier Case Urges Clemency; Hidden Figures; Black Women and Civil Rights; It's Time to #TeachResistance: A Toolkit for Educators; Announcements and more....

Black Women’s Wages

Valerie Wilson Economic Policy Institute
Black women have experienced the stagnation of wages along with the vast majority of other Americans. But in addition, they also experience lower pay due to gender and race bias.

Still an Equal Opportunity Employer? Public Sector Employment Inequality after the Great Recession

Jennifer Laird University of Washington
Historically, the public sector has served as an equalizing institution through the expansion of job opportunities for minority workers. This study examines whether the public sector continues to serve as an equalizing institution in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Results point to a post-recession double disadvantage for Black women: they are concentrated in a shrinking sector of the economy, and they are substantially more likely be without work.

From Unemployment to Food Insecurity, Black Women in the Rural South are Suffering

Kenrya Rankin Naasel Colorlines
As gaps in income and wealth continue to widen in the United States and structural and institutional barriers to economic security persist, this report reminds us that there is still much work to do to ensure that all women, children, and families have a fair shot at success and opportunity in our society.

Five Facts to Know on Black Women's Equal Pay Day

Sarah Mirk Bitch Media Bitch Magazine
In April every year, that pesky gender wage gap jumps to front-page news again as we mark Equal Pay Day. The date signifies the day when American women, on average, have finally earned as much as the average white American man did the past year. Last week is an equally important and depressing milestone: Black Women’s Equal Pay Day.

Police Criminals and the Brutalization of Black Girls

Sikivu Hutchinson The Feminist Wire
The videotaped assault and sexual harassment of 14 year-old Dajerria Becton by a rampaging white police officer after a pool party in McKinney, Texas makes it clear that it continues to be open season on black women and girls.
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