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Building America

William P. Jones The Nation
This new book offers a history and analysis of the contributions of black workers to our society. It shows just how key a knowledge of black workers' history is to an understanding the working class's fortunes and history overall.

Evil in the Delta: Elaine, Arkansas, 1919

Michael Honey Portside
group of African-American men from 1910 ...on the night of September 30, one hundred years ago, ...about 100 African Americans met to organize the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America, a union of land owners, tenants, and sharecroppers.


Black Workers had Long History with Fed Jobs Before Shutdown

Corey Williams The Atlanta Voice
The shutdown that ended Friday left an especially painful toll for African-Americans who make up nearly 20 percent of the federal workforce and historically have been on the low end of the government pay scale.


The Making of Corporate Empire

Jane Slaughter November 1, 2018 Against the Current
Focusing on Ford Motor Co.’s rise, the author posits a connect between racial practices in the United States, Brazil, and South Africa and Ford’s divisive labor processes, seeing racism as an essential element in the creation of global capitalism.


The Mounting Attack on Organized Labor and What it Means for African-Americans

D. Amari Jackson Atlanta Black Star
Given the public sector is the largest employer of African-Americans, and recognizing their substantial and traditional involvement in unions — Black workers are more likely to belong to a union than any other racial group — such anti-union campaigns as Right to Work have particular implications for African-Americans.

What So Many People Don't Get About the U.S. Working Class

Joan C. Williams Harvard Business Review
The working class - who are they, what are their interests, aspirations, fears. One little-known element of the 'class cultural gap' is that the white workers resent professionals but admire the rich. Class migrants (white-collar professionals born to blue-collar families) report that 'professional people were generally suspect' and that managers are college kids 'who don't know shit about how to do anything but are full of ideas about how I have to do my job.'


Black Workers, Unions, and Inequality

Cherrie Bucknor Center for Economic and Policy Research
This paper finds that Black union workers of today are very different from Black union workers of the past. In particular, Black union workers today are more likely to be female, older, have more years of formal education, be immigrants, and work in the public sector. Black union workers also enjoy higher wages, and better access to health insurance and retirement benefits than their non-union peers.
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