Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva took on gig work platforms. “We’re not against someone working [by] delivering food on a bike,” said Lula during a union event. “We’re against them not having rights."
A Hong Kong union organizer speaks, shaky times for Nepal Communists, the political plot thickens in India, and more reports from Asia and hot spots worldwide
The Brazilian educator Paulo Freire’s book, first published in English 50 years ago, urges viewing students as interlocutors or partners in the learning process.
This is a test case for the way oligarchies and imperialism have sought to use the shell of democracy to undermine the democratic aspirations of the people.
Google Walkout, Revolutionary Rojava, Brazil Left Unites, Italy's Dilemma, Left Populist Path in Canada, Africa's Marxist Era, Latin Pink Tide Aftermath
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