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Teachers' Role in the Puerto Rico Uprising

Jeff Bryant Independent Media Institute
Rosello funneled money to charter schools in Puerto Rico. The Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico and the AFT demanded that federal recovery money restore public education on the island instead

The Charter School Primary

Rachel M. Cohen The American Prospect
Democrats running for president are distancing themselves from a charter school movement that once held powerful sway in the party.


Is The Los Angeles Teacher Strike A Different Kind Of Strike?

Peter Greene Forbes
Teachers across the country face a systematic underfunding of public schools and a systematic devaluing of the teaching profession by leaders who say public education should be swept aside to make room for a system of private free-market education.


Chicago Teachers Win First Charter Strike in History

Barbara Madeloni Labor Notes
In a charter network where 90 percent of the students are Latino, strikers won an agreement to designate all its schools as “sanctuary schools,” off-limits to immigration police.
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