How an Election Conspiracy Theory Led Back to Georgia Cops
In May 2021, an alarm was triggered at an elections warehouse in Fulton County, Georgia. The story of the alleged "break-in" went viral on right-wing media and even got the attention of former President Trump. We got the security footage of that day to see what really happened.
Joe Rogan vs. Joe Rogan
Before pushing vaccine misinformation, Joe Rogan sounded the alarm on people pushing vaccine misinformation.
Why Was John F. Kennedy Assassinated?
The Q Files: JFK Jr. Fails to Appear at the Rolling Stones Concert
Throngs of Q-Anon believers were disappointed when John F. Kennedy, Jr. didn't show up at their gathering on the grassy knoll in Dallas yesterday, nor did he materialize on stage with Keith Richards and Mick Jagger later that night at a concert by The Rolling Stones. #Colbert #Comedy #TheQFiles
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