Trump, who delayed responding to the pandemic for an unconscionable period of time, has now declared himself a “wartime president.” He knows that wartime presidents are never defeated at the ballot box.
Reader Comments: Impeachment Not a Mistake; 2020 elections; Sanders, Warren Bloomberg; Voting Rights and Suppression; Economy is Bad; Plant Conversions; Socialists Can Govern; 50 Years - Kent State and Jackson State murders; Announcements; more
Reader Comments: Guilty But Not Impeached; Bernie Sanders campaign; Martin Luther King's Legacy; Organizing Workers; Afghanistan, Guantánamo; Black History Month resources; Labor Scholarships available; Harry Belafonte celebration; Announcements;
Alan Dershowitz’s claim that abuse of power is not an impeachable offense flies in the face of constitutional law. He told senators that abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, for which Trump was impeached, are not grounds for impeachment.
Reader Comments: Impeachment; 'Deal of the Century; Socialist History of Martin Luther King Jr; Anti-Semitism on Rise; Germany; Chicago, Israel - Living by Occupation and the Sword; Charlie Chaplin and Flint Sit-Down Strike; Resources; Announcements
Donald Trump became only the third U.S. president to be impeached. If Mitch McConnell succeeds in his intention to prevent any witnesses from testifying, Trump will become the first president to be acquitted by an unconstitutional impeachment process
If Americans needed any further proof that Donald Trump’s toxic presidency has corroded the Republican Party beyond recognition, Rep. Matt Gaetz just proved the argument in grand fashion.
Impeachment is a constitutional tool designed for times of extraordinary abnormality — say, for instance, when a president presides over an obscenely lawless administration. It's a way of bringing politics back to normal.
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