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How Physics Erases the Beginning of the Universe

Ethan Siegel Forbes
It’s one of the most remarkable achievements of science of all: that we can go back billions of years in time and understand when and how our Universe, as we know it, came to be this way.

New Studies Shed Light on the Origins of Life

Elizabeth Fernandez Forbes
Two studies move us closer to understanding the origins of life on our planet. They may also help with another of the great mysteries of science - helping us to understand where to look for life on other planets.

How Old Is the Universe, Really?

Matthew Francis The Week
Two ways to measure the age of the universe give different answers. The discrepancy is large enough that some cosmologists — scientists studying the history and makeup of the universe as a whole — are suggesting the field is in crisis.

Friday Nite Videos | November 1, 2019

Nancy Pelosi With Stephen Colbert. Jack White Live at Bernie Sanders' Detroit Rally. Rep. Katie Porter Grills Mark Zuckerberg. The Man Who Corrected Einstein. Andy Borowitz: The Life-Changing Magic of Impeaching Trump.

The Man Who Corrected Einstein

On the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity (gravity), many of the predictions of this theory have been proven correct. Here's the story of one that was wrong.

Friday Nite Videos | May 24, 2019

Stop Investigating Me! Or Else! W. Kamau Bell's Candid Conversation With Two Anti-Abortion Activists. Exploding Star Spews Building Blocks of Life. A Louisiana Town in the Heart of 'Cancer Alley'. 'Stable Genius' Needs an 'Intervention'? Two Views.

An Exploding Star Spews the Building Blocks of Life

The elements that make up nearly all that you are and can see first came from the explosion of massive stars. Step inside one such explosion and explore the forces that connects each of us with the stars.
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