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The Center Cannot Hold

Elizabeth Bruenig New York Times
Bernie Sanders’s strong showing in Iowa is a turning point in the battle between the party’s establishment and left wing.

Beating Trump: Absolutely Essential, Also Not Enough

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
student demonstrators Ousting Trump from the White House is not sufficient to address the deep-going crises that today threaten the rights and well-being of people in the U.S., the very lives of millions across the globe, and the natural environment...

The PPC Demands National Debate on Poverty

The Poor People's Campaign The Poor People's Campaign
Poor People's Campaign demonstration When 250,000 people die every year from poverty, it is time for the presidential candidates to make good on the promises they made during the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Action Congress in June 2019 to push for a debate on poverty.

The Injustice of This Moment Is Not an `Aberration'

Michelle Alexander The New York Times
demonstrators protesting police murder of Freddie Gray No issue has proved more vexing to this nation than the issue of race, and yet no question is more pressing than how to overcome the politics of white supremacy...that threatens our ability ever to create a truly fair, just and inclusive democracy.

What a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Look Like

Daniel Denvir In These Times
The possibilities of an “organizer-in-chief.” Sanders is the only presidential candidate who has put forward a genuine Green New Deal, to radically remake the economy to serve ordinary people. One of two cover stories of our dual-sided January issue

What an Elizabeth Warren Presidency Would Look Like

Kathleen Geier In These Times
Warren is a “visionary implementer.” When she defeats President Donald Trump, it would mean an economic populist defeated a corrupt plutocrat, a woman defeated America’s most famous misogynist. one of two cover stories of dual-sided January issue.

How America’s Elites Lost Their Grip

Anand Giridharadas TIME MAgazine
Warren, is a beneficiary of the opening Sanders helped carve for capitalist–critical aspirants to America’s top office. She and Sanders, both enemies of Big Business, are among the top candidates shows how much the politics of capitalism has changed
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