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Coke Funds Scientists for Diet Advice

Susanna Pilny World Einnews
Coca-Cola is indirectly spreading a controversial message that to lose weight, the food and beverages you consume don’t matter so much as long as you exercise.


Nutrition Gets Personal

Clare Leschin-Hoar Future Food 2050
Dietary guidance that’s targeted to your precise genetic makeup is the wave of the future, says nutrition scientist Jeffrey Blumberg.

Friday Nite Videos -- July 11, 2014

Inequality is real, and it was created. Charlie Haden: El Quinto Regimiento. Eat kelp. NYC Women Talk Cat Calling. Epic Rap Battle: Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye.

Always Hungry? Here’s Why

David S. Ludwig and Mark I. Friedman New York Times
But what if we’ve confused cause and effect? What if it’s not overeating that causes us to get fat, but the process of getting fatter that causes us to overeat? Science may slowly be coming to an understanding of the complex feedback loops which control our metabolism.

Even Our Ancestors Never Really Ate the “Paleo Diet”

Carrie Arnold Discover
The Paleo Diet is a new food trend. There is little doubt that many modern humans eat too much sugar and processed foods. However, recent studies show that identifying a particular “paleo” diet is impossible. Researchers are just beginning to understand what ancient humans ate, and these recent studies show that grasses and grains have been part of the human diet for millions of years.

Experts Want More Studies of Diet’s Role for the Heart

Gina Kolata New York Times
A study, published last week in The New England Journal of Medicine, is now shaking up the field of cardiovascular medicine , infusing it with optimism This is a watershed moment in the field of nutrition, medical experts say. For the first time, researchers have shown that a diet can have an effect as powerful as drugs in preventing what really matters to patients — heart attacks, and strokes and deaths from cardiovascular disease.
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