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Why Mexico’s New President Is Nothing Like Trump

Seth Harp RollingStone
The U.S. media got the historic election of Andrés Manuel López Obrador all wrong. The winner by a landslide was Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a socialist reformer and unabashed champion of the working class. It’s a hugely significant turn of events.

A Victory and A More Substantial Defeat for the Cruel Sham Known as "Right to Try"

Orac Respectful Insolence
These laws explicitly remove patient protections. Doctors recommending right-to-try can’t be sued for malpractice or disciplined by their state medical boards, seemingly no matter how inappropriate or incompetently executed such a request might be. Nor can drug manufacturers be sued. Basically, these laws tell terminally ill patients: Good luck. You’re on your own.

Socialize the EpiPen

Adam Gaffney Jacobin
My proposed solution to the EpiPen mess follows this line of thought: essentially, bust the damn patent. Or, at least, the US government should threaten to bust the patent, and we should then watch the price fall faster than you can jab yourself in the thigh with an adrenaline-filled pen.

How the Cannabis Business Community Pays Taxes

Sen. Merkley and Rep. Blumenauer join Tyson Haworth, owner of Oregon's Finest & sofresh farms, to discuss the banking and tax challenges that legal cannabis companies are facing under current federal law. 

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