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Principled Pragmatism

transform! europe
Li Andersson, Chair of the Finnish Left Alliance, and Minister of Education, has promoted polices to invest in teacher training and reduce differences between schools, improve public health, increase parental leave.

Spare CUNY, and Save the Education our Heroes Deserve

Jeanne Theoharis, Alan Aja and Joseph Entin City Limits
During the Great Depression, local, state, and federal policymakers refused to cut and invested. Doesn't the present moment call for similar visionary action for public institutions like CUNY and the people they educate for generations to come?

At the Wage Floor: Covering Homecare and Early Care and Education Workers in the New Generation of Minimum Wage Laws

Sarah Thomason, Lea Austin, Annette Bernhardt, Laura Dresser, Ken Jacobs and Marcy Whitebook UC Berkeley Labor Center
woman teaching and woman in kitchen preparing food This paper focuses on an important subset of workers who provide homecare and early care and education services to the very young, people with disabilities, and those who are frail due to age or illness. We explain the need to raise these workers’ wages and the unique structure of their industries.

Books: Changing the Ed Reform Narrative

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent, Issue # 199
A review of two important new books that tell a different story about what teachers do, what parents want and what children need.
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