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Living in Pandemic Purgatory, Up Close and Personal

Belle Chesler Tom Dispatch
A world unraveling amid smoke and death and how one teacher and her students dealt with it. The pandemic served as a stark reminder of at least two things: that the nuclear family is not enough and that schools can’t be its sole safety net.


Human Conditions, Early and Otherwise

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
The journal’s intrepid book reviewer surveys a mélange of fall 2021 university and scholarly books on human origins and development, finding some surprising commonality in an otherwise often conflictual field.

The Bryn Mawr Summer School Prepared Workers for the Class Struggle

Jackie Brown, Leanna Katz Jacobin
In the 1920s and ’30s, a summer school for industrial working women built an economics curriculum around the perspective of labor rather than capital. It offers a visionary example of worker ed that emphasizes class struggle and worker empowerment.
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